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November 14, 2005

the memory of all

Draw the map the voyage made. Yes & No, looking with care in the beginning, using what I had been taught at school. Sitting down at my age now-to write. I trust my intuition. Who am I writing to? To explain my detours. Yes, to keep them alive. Look the other way-not afraid to make my mistake and show it. I want to show ambition. I want to show what it is to be in America. Positive & Negative, I scratch it through the surface. Children grow up. Mary is gone. Love turns to indifference. Always returning to New York-except for Andrea, Andrea dying in the Air in Guatemala. LIFE DANCES ON...HOME IMPROVEMENTS...LAST SUPPER...the map makes itself, I follow, no choice, like exorcising the Darkness come too early. Please line up the chapters now one two three-too late to teach about photography. just accept lost feelings-Shadows in empty room-Silence on T.V. Silence in Canada. Bad Dreams-Black White & Things, enjoy each minute to the fullest...KEEP BUSY...The Memory of all. So much of it gone. I wish that the feeling of that Memory will make a sound of music."

Robert Frank

Posted by amin at November 14, 2005 11:30 PM

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