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April 10, 2007
It is conceivable that Alexander the Great-for all the military successes of his youth, for all the excellence of the army he trained, for all the desire he felt himself to change the world-might have stopped at the Hellespont, and never crossed it, and not out of fear, not out of indecisiveness, not out of weakness of will, but from heavy legs.
There are two cardinal human vices, from which all the other derive their being: impatience and carelessness. Impatience got people evicted from Paradise; carelessness kept them from making their way back there. O perhaps there is only one cardinal vice: impatience. Impatience got people evicted, and impatience kept them from making their way back.
Kafka - Aphorisms
Posted by amin at April 10, 2007 1:01 PM