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July 8, 2007
we shall all be equal and harmless there
Observe how bruit beasts yield to death, how little they are tormented with the thoughts of it beforehand, and how patiently they endure it when it comes. Can we suppose God has endowed them with greater gifts of fortitude than us? A good man is always ready to lay down his life.
What great acts have been performed by such who fear not death, how happy have been their lives, how glorious their ends. Why shall we refuse to yield to that equality which makes the beggar a prince, and the tyrant simple and harmless dust.
Neither the vast army of Xerxes, nor treasure of Tyberius or cruelty of Antonius could any bit prevail against death. We shall all be equal and harmless there, and except virtue there will be no difference. No man can be ignorant of this journey.
Cardan - Three Books of Consolation
Posted by amin at July 8, 2007 8:46 PM