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August 10, 2007

Go down, then, lovely sun…

Go down, then, lovely sun, for but little they
Regarded you, nor, holy one, knew your worth,
Since without toil you rose, and quiet,
Over a people for ever toiling.

To me, however, kindly you rise and set,
O glorious light, and brightly my eyes respond, for godly, silent reverence I
Learned when Diotima soothed my frenzy.

O how I listened, Heaven’s own messenger,
To you, my teacher! Love! How to the golden day
These eyes transfused with thanks looked up from
Gazing at you. And at once more living.

The brooks began to murmur, more lovingly
The blossoms of dark Earth breathed their scent at me
And through the silver clouds a smiling
Aether bowed down to bestow his blessing.


Posted by amin at August 10, 2007 1:50 AM