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August 1, 2007
the crossroads of sex
He who rises in the night and quietly seeks another is like a digger for treasure seeking the great happiness, which is so indispensable, at the crossroads of sex. There is something of the longing which makes great poets in all vice, in all lustful sins against nature, in all the desperate and vain attempts to find an eternal meaning for life. Here is humanity’s hunger reaching out beyond itself; stretching out hands towards eternity. Here eyes open which gaze upon death without fear; here a hopeless heroism is revealed, whose glory is transient as a smile, blossoming and perishing like a rose. Here are the storms of desire, the calm of expectation; here are dreams which become deeds, and deeds which pass away in dreams. Here, as at some gigantic gambling-table, a man’s whole endowment of strength is lost and won.
Posted by amin at August 1, 2007 11:53 PM