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September 27, 2007
no surrender
Life is one long battle; we have to fight at every step; and Voltaire very rightly says that if we succeed, it is at the point of the sword, and that we die with the weapon in our hand. It is a cowardly soul that shrinks or grows faint and despondent as soon as the storm begins to gather, or even when the first cloud appears on the horizon. Our motto should be No Surrender; and far from yielding to the ills of life, let us take fresh courage from misfortune.
As long as the issue of any matter fraught with peril is still in doubt, and there is yet some possibility left that all may come right, no one should ever tremble or think of anything but resistance-just as a man should not despair of the weather if he can see a bit if blue sky anywhere. Let our attitude be such that we should not quake even if the world fell in ruins about us.
Our whole life itself-let alone its blessings-would not be worth such a cowardly trembling and shrinking of the heart. Therefore, let us face life courageously and show a firm front to every ill.
Schopenhauer - Counsels and Maxims
Posted by amin at September 27, 2007 6:53 PM