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March 29, 2008
plato's metaphysics
There is a mystical element at the core of Plato’s metaphysics. I call it “mystical” because no fully rational explanation can be given of the implosion set off in the philosopher’s soul by the vision of Form which makes a new man out of him…The chief end of man is to glorify Form and enjoy it forever. If you are a Platonic philosopher, you have found the meaning of your life, your true vocation, in faithful service to the Forms of Justice, Beauty, Goodness, and the rest. You are possessed by a transcendent love beside which earthly passions pale. You have discovered bliss which turns the prizes of this world into trash.
Gregory Vlastos - Socrates, Plato, and Their Tradition
Posted by amin at March 29, 2008 6:13 PM