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November 17, 2008

short prayers pierce heaven

If a man or woman is frightened by some sudden occurrence of fire, or of someone's death, or whatever else it may be, then suddenly in the extremity of his spirit he is driven by haste and necessity to shout and beg for help. So how does he do it? Certainly not in many word, or even in one word of two syllables. And why is that? Because it seems too long a delay the urgency and agitation of his spirit. And so he bursts our violently, in great emotion, and shouts just a short word of one syllable, such as the word FIRE! Or the word OUT! Just as this short word FIRE! sooner arouses the ears of listeners, and pierces them more rapidly, so does a short word of one syllable when it is not just spoken or thought but secretly intended in the depth of spirit, which is also the height (for in spiritual things it is all the same, height and depth, length and breadth). And it pierces the ears of almighty God sooner than any long Psalm mindlessly mumbled in the mouth. That is why it is written that short prayers pierce heaven.

The Cloud of Unknowing

Posted by amin at November 17, 2008 1:18 PM