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November 8, 2008
the light of faith
Indeed, I seek profuse forgiveness from God for having wasted a part of my life studying the opinions of the pseudo-philosophers and polemicists from among the theologians and the intricacies of their discussions, learning their clever tactics of speech and their art of debate, until at last with the light of faith and the assistance of God, the Munificent, it become clear that their syllogisms were sterile and their path not straight. Thereafter, I surrendered my affair to Him and His Messenger, the Warner and the Warned, believed earnestly in all that he had reached us from him, accepting it without making any attempt to find some rational justification or scholarly interpretation for it. Rather, I followed His Prophet’s guidance, refrained from what was forbidden, and submitted to his injunction – as God the Exalted has said: “Take and follow whatever injunctions the Messenger brings you and refrain from what he forbids you” (59:7) – until God opened my heart to what He willed, and by the grace of following His Prophet, I was delivered and saved.
Mulla Sadra - Asfar
Posted by amin at November 8, 2008 11:52 AM