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December 4, 2008

the hands of god

O spiritual soul, when you see your desire obscured, your affections arid and constrained, and your faculties bereft of their capacity for any interior exercise, be not afflicted by this, but rather consider it a great happiness, since God is freeing you from yourself and taking the matter from your hands. For with those hands, howsoever well they may serve you, you would never labor so effectively, so perfectly and so securely (because of their clumsiness and uncleanness) as now, when God takes your hand and guides you in the darkness, as though you were blind, to an end and by a way which you know not. Nor could you ever hope to travel with the aid of your own eyes and feet, howsoever good you be as a walker.

St John of the Cross - Dark Night of the Soul

Posted by amin at December 4, 2008 11:53 AM