July 4, 2012
Against the positivism which halts at phenomena - 'There are only facts' - I would say: no, facts are just what there aren't, there are only interpretations. We can not determine any fact 'in itself': perhaps it's non-sensical to want to do such a thing. 'Everything is subjective,' you say: but that itself is an interpretation, for the 'subject' is not something given but a fiction added on, tucked behind. - Is it even necessary to posit the interpreter behind the interpretation? Even that is fiction, hypothesis.
Inasmuch as the word 'knowledge' has any meaning at all, the world is knowable: but it is variously interpretable; it has no meaning behind it, but countless meanings. 'Perspectivism'.
It is our needs which interpret the world: our drives and their for and against. Every drive is a kind of lust for domination, each has its perspective, which it would like to impose as a norm on all the other drives.
Nietzsche - Writings from the late Notebooks
Posted by amin at July 4, 2012 4:08 PM