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March 27, 2013

However hard the workers work and the strivers strive for the sake of this momentous goal, they must know that all their effort is the least of the least beside what they need, what they seek and what they undertake. They must know that four things are indispensable to the servant: (1) knowledge, (2) work, (3) sincerity, (4) fear. First of all, he must know the path; otherwise he is blind. Second, he must put his knowledge into practice; otherwise he is blocked. Third, he must be sincere in his work; otherwise he is misled. Forth, he must not cease to be afraid and on guard against disasters, until he finds safety; otherwise he is deluded.
Dhun-Nun spoke the truth when he said: "All creatures are dead, except the scholars. All the scholars are asleep, except those who put their knowledge into practice. All those who put their knowledge into practice are deluded, except those who are sincere. All those who are sincere are in tremendous danger".

Ghazali - The Path of the Worshipful Servants

Posted by amin at March 27, 2013 9:48 PM