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June 26, 2006

Was a much better day than yesterday. It's funny how our mood can change overnight!

Watched two world cup games and then went to the library. I wrote a paper on religious exclusivism but I still have to do some editing on it tomorrow. I read two essays on the subject one by John Hick who advocates religious pluralism and the other by Allen Plantinga who is a Christian philosopher. Both had convincing points. Although I agree with Hick that religious pluralism can prevent conflict between different faiths and create a more peaceful environment but at the same time I believe that there is nothing wrong with believing that your religion is the only true path to salvation as long as your decision is based on reflection, experience and evidence.

M. called me and was upset about an incident that happened at her work. She thinks that she deserves better than this, and that she's sick of taking orders from people who not only treat you badly but even don't give good tips! I totally agreed with her and tried to tell her about the future and how it's going to be bright and fulfilling. I didn't only say that to make her feel better. I sincerely believe in it. She is very smart and has every single quality that a successful person, especially a woman, should posses. May destiny be on her side.

Going to the Brookline Public Library tomorrow to get some books on German philosophy. I really like the new building. It feels like you are in one of those old European libraraies with ancient books.

Posted by amin at June 26, 2006 1:12 AM


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