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November 28, 2006

* an interesting fact: jamaica has the highest number of churches per capita in the world!
* watched babel. although it was a good movie but it didn't leave any impression on me.
* aesthetics, ethics, existentialism, and political philosophy. these are the areas that i'm interested in philosophy.
* "other possible worlds" don't interest me.
- is there a god? there is if you want it to be. there is not if you don't.
- but is there a GOD? we can't know, and i think it's better that we can't know. if we could, then there would be no place for faith, passion, and sacrifice. faith and passion have only meaning as long as they are related to the unknown.
* finished "a confession" by tolstoy.
- i agree with almost everything he says.
- what is the meaning of life?
- science is not concerned with this question because life cannot be measured or experimented.
- although philosophy is concerned with this question but it has no answer for it because the task of philosophy is to ask questions. the better and more profound the questions that a philosophy arises, the better that philosophy is.
- the answer to the question of life can be only answered through religion and spirituality.
- tolstoy's favorite philosophers: spinoza, kant, schopenhauer, rousseau.
- and of course, he hates nietzsche!!!

Posted by amin at November 28, 2006 11:08 PM


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