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January 8, 2009

Initially I wanted to be…a poet

My idea of perfect happiness is…
I get the most pleasure from…solitude

My current state of mind is…lost and distressed
My favorite music is… satie's gymnopédies
My favorite movie is…the bicycle thief
My favorite novel is…franny and zooey
My favorite hero of fiction is… malte laurids brigge 

For me an influential thinker of the past was…kierkegaard
A current major influence is…whitman
The talent I would most like to have is…public speaking
My motto is…let go and let god
The purpose of life is…

a few resolutions:
take pictures... read poems... watch movies... study psychology... explore nature
no philosophy or theology... no more coke... eat and sleep less...

Posted by amin at January 8, 2009 1:28 AM


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